What is freelancing? Freelancing definitions ? What is Fiverr? Best tips and tricks of Fiverr.


What Is Freelancing? A Basic Definition

Essentially, a freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed.

Freelancers are responsible for all sorts of things that traditional employees are not, such as setting their work hours, keeping track of time spent on different projects, billing clients, and paying their own employment and business taxes. Freelancers are not considered “employees” by the companies they work for, but rather “contractors.”

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can buy or sell digital services. It has been in business for quite some time and is equally popular among businesses as well as freelancers.

Fiverr gets an estimated daily traffic of 555,759+ and more than 15,000+ sites links back to Fiverr in the form of blogs, reviews and press.

Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can buy or sell digital services. It has been in business for quite some time and is equally popular among businesses as well as freelancers.

From Buyer Perspective:

If you are an individual or a startup or a small agency, you can use Fiverr to get things done for a nominal amount of $5. You should join Fiverr as a “Buyer”.

This can be anything from logo design, website development, video branding etc. Fiverr has many categories and filters so all you have to do is surf, pick a service, check the reviews, see the delivery time (you have to do your due diligence) and place your order.

Fiverr also have different level of sellers ranging from Level 1 to 3 and Top Sellers. The prices per service will also vary based on levels.

Note – If you are a new business who cannot afford hiring a full time employee, this is your place.

From Seller Perspective:

If you are someone with basic digital skills or someone who wants employment working from the comfort of their home or even remotely then you join Fiverr as a “Seller”.

Fiverr offers multiple categories to offer your services for example diy, craft, marketing, coaching, voice over etc. These are just few examples but there are plenty. You have to setup a profile as a seller and create a “gig” (service) where you have to explain what you are offering and at what price point. Based on your level, Fiverr will provide you tools which will help you to create plans or sell a standalone service.

From seller prospective

As a seller you have the opportunity to wow your clients with your work. A great gig and good customer service will get you rolling. Sellers who use this platform as a business make anything between $5 to $900+ per day and some have gone to the extent of making $3000+ per month. It all boils down to your focus and effort.

Fiverr also shares seller success stories to motivate you from time to time. As a seller you can withdraw your earnings through Paypal or Payoneer which is later transferred to your bank account. Fiverr also has a support forum for both buyers and sellers.

So, if you are new to the platform and get overwhelmed with all the information around then simply join the Fiverr forum and ask your questions. You are likely to receive a better answer from the community comprising of both buyers and sellers.

If you are not the creative kind and lack skills. You can still make money with Fiverr in two ways:

  • By learning skill based courses which is offered on the Fiverr platform. When you complete a course, it gets automatically reflected on your Fiverr profile. Now, you can sell the service with an authority because you know the subject.
  • Second, you can become a Fiverr affiliate and refer Fiverr gigs to other businesses. For this having a blog and a social profile on LinkedIn and Instagram will come handy.

Fiverrr tips and tricks


1. Don’t use multiple accounts

Fiverr only allows one active account per user and any (caught) attempts to cheat this will result in disabling all related accounts. You can read more about this in their Terms of Service (in short, it’s a way for them to protect users against fraud and abuse).

Think well before you choose your Fiverr username because once registered, you cannot change it.

2. Save your favourite

 Sometimes searching Fiverr is like searching for the proverbial needle in the haystack. And when you do find the right service (or, as is often the case, another interesting service in your quest to find the right service), you want to make sure you don’t forget what it is.

To avoid that, save them for later to a separate collection, just like you do on Pinterest.

3. Always contact the seller before buying

The cool thing about Fiverr is that it allows buyers and sellers to message each other before an order is placed. Even if you’ve found the right gig that matches your requirements, don’t rush into hitting that Order button.

Near the seller’s profile, you will see a Contact me button that pops up into a contact window where you can briefly describe what you’re looking for. This will give you the opportunity to see the seller’s reply and learn a bit about them. Getting different answers will help you make a better choice in selecting the winning seller.

4. Use a secret word

When posting a request, make sure to add a secret word in the project description, asking sellers to mention it when making an offer to your request.

You’d be surprised to see that almost 50% of the orders will miss it. This will help you weed out people that haven’t actually read the request, and go with the most motivated ones.

5. Don’t leave bad ratings unless it’s unavoidable

Instead, message the seller and explain why you are not happy with the results. Because ratings are very important to sellers, it’s likely they will offer to fix your issue without any additional fee.

It’s better to give sellers a chance to repair things before leaving them a bad rating. Most sellers will appreciate this and will try to help. Even if there might be a small delay, it’s still a win-win.

6. Use some best practices to get faster results

If you are looking for a fast fix, you will need to pay attention to a couple of things. Besides going after Fiverr sellers that have a good response and delivery time, there are other Fiverr tips to pay attention to:

o  After posting a request to the seller community, your project details will go into a review stage. This happens because Fiverr needs to check if your project is compliant with their TOS, meaning that it will take a couple of hours to get your request approved. If you want to get things rolling fast, better submit that request ASAP.

o  For a fast reply to your request, look for sellers that are marked Online. To see this, look for the Online icon in the upper-right corner of a seller’s profile.

o  The minimum delivery time on Fiverr is one day, and a complex project might require several days to complete. The sellers will specify this in the gig’s delivery time. To get it done faster, you can either buy an Extra (more on this in tip #13) or message the seller and ask if they’re available to deliver faster for some extra money added to the gig.

o  For fast handling a project, keep an eye on the number of revisions included in a gig (listed in the Order Details section). Some sellers don’t have this specified, though it’s unlikely they will risk getting a bad review for refusing to make an additional revision.

o  Use the Fiverr mobile app to communicate instantly with the seller .

7. Do a trial run before requesting a bigger project

If you have a big project coming up (with a value of $100+), you’ll often be better off commissioning a small project first to gauge a seller’s quality.

To do this, I suggest doing a small trial order with 2-3 sellers. This way, you’ll have a better chance to get the bigger project running without unwanted surprises.

8. Earn money with the referral program

No budget to work on Fiverr? You can start earning some. Instead of recommending Fiverr to your friends and getting 20% (i.e. $5 for $25 project) for each new sign up, you can enrol in their affiliate program, and receive up to $150.

For first-time buyers (new registered users) getting WordPress gigs, the Fiverr affiliate program pays you $40. By recommending the service on your site/blog you could start earning some big money that you can either cash out or use it to buy some gigs on your own.

9. Ignore the “Top offers” from Fiverr email

After placing a request, offers will start pouring in. And Fiverr will announce this by sending you an email with a selected list of “top offers”.

Here’s one of my top Fiverr tips: Don’t rush into getting those “selected” offers. Fiverr picks them randomly, choosing the first level 1-2 sellers that reply to your request. The two offers I got did not mention the secret word and they were certainly not the most interesting ones I’ve received.

Remember – an automated email is never going to be as good as your human eye!

10. Negotiate

I don’t recommend to always negotiate on the price – going after the smallest price is not really ethical. But before requesting an offer, take a few moments to think about what budget you’re comfortable with.

Next, when posting the request, leave the budget field blank. If the offers come back overpriced, you can push back and say that you can’t afford that much. In most cases, sellers will be flexible and offer you a better deal.

11. Set limited user access and make backups

Most Fiverr sellers do ask for the login details to your site (if the gig involves any direct WordPress work, that is). This is a common practice as it helps them better understand the requests and thus deliver quicker. To be on the safe side, better create a separate account with limited access and no admin privileges. WordPress user roles can help you accomplish this.

Also, before implementing any changes, make sure to back your site and data .

12. Watch out for “complete/full setup website” gigs

 Some gigs promise to deliver a fully set up site. To do so, sellers sometimes pick up a pirated theme or use plugins that aren’t genuine. Not only will pirated themes/plugins not receive updates and fixes from their authors, but they will often contain malware to boot!

To stay clean, make sure you ask the sellers if they own a license for these products and for how long they will be valid. Some themes are sold with a lifetime license while others are subscription based (which means you will need to pay a recurring fee to keep them up to date).

13. Buy extras/add-ons

Level one sellers and up are allowed to upgrade their gigs with extras/add-ons. Those are listed in the gig description and sometimes they will appear only in the payment stage.

The extra services can buy you a faster delivery, an additional revision, or something related to your site (security check, site optimization etc.).

When considering the upgrade, have in mind the final price and if you would have paid this amount for the gig sans the extra. If your answer is yes and the extra is something you need, just go and get it!

14. Build relationships

This one is my favourite of all Fiverr tips. If you’ve already tried Fiverr and found a seller that did a good job, don’t go looking for a different one. Be considerate and stick with the person that helped you in the first place.

Otherwise, you may only be wasting time. If the seller is busy, or cannot do the job, ask them to recommend someone. It’s similar to how things work in real life, you know. 

15. Don’t try to game the system

This is perhaps one of the key Fiverr tips for you to remember…

Many have tried to escape Fiverr’s commission by hooking up with a seller outside the platform. While it’s not impossible, you better not go that way.

Sharing your contact details (email, Skype or Facebook usernames, phone number) or asking for the seller’s email is not allowed on Fiverr. Do not accept or indulge in such activities that may result in getting your account banned.

Recovering a banned account is almost impossible.

From the platform’s Terms of Service (link):

(…) any violations to Fiverr’s Terms of Service is cause for permanent suspension of all accounts.

16. Reach out to Fiverr support

If Fiverr’s buyer knowledgebase wasn’t helpful and you need some human support, you can reach out to their customer service  . However, the fastest way to get in touch is through the official Fiverr twitter account

           *  Response time on Twitter: 30 minutes

o Response time on email: 2.45 hours

Contacting Fiverr Support worked pretty well. So for emergencies, they will have you covered, which is always reassuring.

17. Use the Fiverr App

Make yourself available by using Fiverr’s free mobile apps for Android and iOS. This will make it easier to reply fast to messages and also browse gigs while on the road and build your list of favourites.Fiver app for android.

18. Leave a tip for good work

After the project is delivered, Fiverr will ping you for a review. You may choose to skip it, and after three days it will go away. But reviews are like gold to sellers, so try to find a couple of minutes to leave a personalized one.

Next, you will have an option to leave an extra tip for the seller. This is not mandatory, but it is a nice way to say thanks and help the seller with some extra money. Especially if you were satisfied and you think you might work again together, a small tip is always welcome! (FYI; tips are also charged commission by Fiverr with 20%, so the seller will get less.)

19. Join the Fiverr community

The official Fiverr Forum is a good place to engage with people using Fiverr, although few buyers actually do.

20. Be professional

Like any service, Fiverr should be handled professionally. Keep in mind someone’s business may depend on you, so try to:

o  Be patient with communication – you never know what may be causing a delay in response.

o  Fairly value people’s work and, remember, you can always compensate with a tip.

o  Do not use bad language – “Communication on Fiverr should be friendly, constructive, and professional. Fiverr condemns bullying, harassment, and hate speech towards others.”

o  Be reasonable with deadlines and allow the seller enough time to modify and review the work.

o  Do not threaten to cancel or give a bad review.

I hope you find all things what you need. Share it on social media and don’t forget to resister on Fiverr. Thankyou.

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One thought on “What is freelancing? Freelancing definitions ? What is Fiverr? Best tips and tricks of Fiverr.

  1. Dikshant-SM May 30, 2021 / 5:41 pm

    Hi guys , Share it and follow us


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